Saturday, December 6, 2008

The perfect eating container for leftovers

What's your container of choice for pretty much anything?

Plates are OK, but they don't handle lots of more liquidy or soupy things. Plus if there is a sauce over a starch (spaghetti or beef stroganoff or chicken cacciatore), then a plate leaves a bunch of sauce behind.

A bowl is ok, but when you've microwaved something to get it nice and hot, say tomato soup, it can be hard to handle. Plus most bowls aren't big enough on the bottom to hold a large piece of stuff, say meatloaf over potatoes with some vegetables on the side.

My choice: a large pyrex measuring cup. One that measures 4 cups. It's like a bowl with a handle. It's glass so you can see the food and can microwave or even bake it. It's Pyrex so you can thermally shock it. The only downside is these are a big expensive. Good thing my wife has no interest in using the one and only one we have.

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