Saturday, July 28, 2007

Let's get started

Welcome to my food blog. Like the kazillion other food blogs out there, it is about all aspects of food. Growing (some of) it, finding it, buying it, cooking it and of course eating it. While I'm ethnically Chinese, my cooking interests lie much more in Italian, French country and American cuisine.

One of my rants against the very high end cookbooks is the insistance on impossible to get, fresh ingredients. I cannot easily get freshly picked fava beans or a just butchered free-range chicken. So one of my goals is to use somewhat readily available foods, yet keeping the quality as high as possible. I live and work in Silicon Valley which affords me pretty good access to food. If nothing else, the Costcos, Trader Joes and grocery stores have decent selection. Like most amateur cooks, my focus is on things you can hopefully find, buy and make yourself. That said, during the summer, if you find a farmer's market, you should be able to get high quality fresh foods, albiet a bit expensive.

I'm not a recipe follower. When cooking, I like to find several recipes for that dish, and try to comprehend what is going on. Then I just launch into my own creating, often dictated by what ingredients I have on hand. Sometimes I end up pretty much following a recipe, othertimes, I'm off in ad hoc cookery.

Finally, hopefully you have noticed my blog name is pure punishment. What does the title make you think of? For me it's a hamburger. Which when done right, is a sublime meal in and of itself.

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